Medical Advocates for Social Justice
Conference Abstract
from the
XII International HIV Drug Resistance Workshop

Los Cabos, Mexico   
June 10-14, 2003



Low frequency non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase
inhibitor (NNRTI)-resistant variants contribute to failure
of efavirenz-containing regimens in NNRTI-experienced
patients with negative standard genotypes for NNRTI mutations

J Mellors1, S Palmer2, D Nissley3, et al. for the  ACTG 398 Study Team
1 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa.; 2 Drug Resistance Program, NCI,
Frederick, Md.; 3 SAIC, Frederick, Md.;


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The role of minor (low frequency) drug-resistant variants in failure of antiretroviral therapy is not defined. In ACTG 398, 212 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI)-experienced and 269 NNRTI-naive patients were randomized to efavirenz, abacavir, adefovir and amprenavir with a second protease inhibitor (PI) or placebo. This study provided the opportunity to examine relations between NNRTI experience, baseline NNRTI resistance, virological response and the emergence of efavirenz resistance.

Genotypes of baseline plasma were obtained in 452 of 481 patients by a standard method [ViroSeq version 2.0 kit (Applied Biosystems)].Mutations were classified according to the IAS-USA table. Minor NNRTI-resistant variants were sought with two methods: single genome RT-PCR and sequencing (SGS) and a yeast-based chimeric Ty1/HIV-1 RT retrotransposon system that measures the frequency of efavirenz resistance. Phylogenetic analyses were performed with the neighbour joining method (PHYLIPv3.573c).

Virological failure (confirmed HIV RNA >200 copies/ml) was associated with NNRTI experience (P<0.001), baseline NNRTI mutations (P<0.001), and development of efavirenz resistance (P<0.001). Standard genotyping did not detect NNRTI mutations in baseline samples from 50 of 216 (23%) NNRTI-experienced patients. Virological outcome in this group, however, was not better than in the group (n=166) with baseline NNRTI mutations. By contrast, among all patients with negative baseline genotypes for NNRTI mutations, virological outcome was significantly better at weeks 24 (P=0.015) and 48 (P=0.02) in NNRTI-naive patients (n=237) compared with NNRTI-experienced patients (n=50). These findings suggested that standard genotyping may not have adequately detected NNRTI-resistant variants. Baseline plasma from a random sample of 10 NNRTI-experienced and eight NNRTI-naive patients who had virological failure despite a negative baseline genotype for NNRTI mutations were tested for minor NNRTI-resistant variants. Variants encoding NNRTI-resistance mutations were identified by SGS in six of 10 NNRTI-experienced patients with the following frequencies per positive patient: 181C and 190A (5 of 15 sequences); 181C (3 of 19); 181C (3 of 22); 108I (2 of 35); 103N (1 of 33); and 103N (1 of 34). By comparison, NNRTI-resistant variants were found in only one of eight NNRTI-naive patients: 100I (1 of 33 sequences). The Ty1/HIV-1 RT assay detected efavirenz-resistant yeast colonies in 8 of 10 NNRTI-experienced patients with the following frequencies: 10.9, 6.7, 6.4, 3.3, 2.0, 1.6, 1.3 and 0.8%. In NNRTI-naive patents, resistant colonies were found in two of eight patients with frequencies of 0.6 and 0.3%. Phylogenetic analysis showed close clustering of baseline NNRTI-resistant variants identified by SGS with the genotype at virological failure in five of six NNRTI-experienced patients. In the NNRTI-naive patient, the L100I mutant was not evident at failure and did not cluster with the failure genotype.

Prior NNRTI experience selects minor NNRTI-resistant variants that are often missed by standard genotyping and can lead to failure of efavirenz-based regimens.

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Low frequency non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase
inhibitor (NNRTI)-resistant variants contribute to failure
of efavirenz-containing regimens in NNRTI-experienced
patients with negative standard genotypes for NNRTI mutations

A Medical Advocates for Social Justice Update